The Biggest Loser...

May 13, 2010

I watched the last episode of the Biggest Loser before the finale last night and was taken back by the message I kept hearing over and over... "Make it to the final four"!

As a martial artist and fitness expert, I find it disturbing that the goal stops at winning the prize. Perhaps it was the producers making it look that way which is ALWAYS a possibility. I hope so, but it seems in 'real life' it happens all too often.

Why is it that so many of us focus on the "end goal" when it's the journey that makes us who we are?? Challenge yourself to dismiss the end goal, and focus on the road ahead... look around, see the sights and take it all in. Because once the journey is over... that's it.


craftycookie said...

As much as I enjoy watching "The Biggest Loser," I have also found the message disturbing. Maybe it's my personal trainer background, but I find their rapid weight loss to win money a bit horrifying.

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