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The 64-page workbook addresses many of the topics girls begin to struggle with beginning at age 8 and continuing on to adulthood. The book is broken down into the following sections:

This section leads each girls through a series of questions and activities that gets them thinking about them, their hopes and dreams, pressures, school, family and friends. And more importantly it’s an introduction to giving themselves the permission to sound THEIR voice and take care of themselves.

Each girl learns that before they can take care of themselves they have to know HOW! This section is a roadmap through various activities to understanding the domino effect of health and how it relates to body image. What you put in your body affects how you feel, how you feel about your body affects the way you see yourself, and your confidence level effects how you voice your opinion and the decisions you make.

This section is one that girls will go back to re-experience. Through activities, each girl learns to separate her feelings out so that she can master the most important steps she’ll need to not only identify but to understand and act on the many feelings she has. This chapter is one of the most powerful and most practiced chapters as it gives girls the tools to understand and accept themselves on a deeper level.

We don’t get to choose our family, but we CAN determine how we relate and communicate with them. In this section, girls take a good hard look at their role within their family. They identify what role they play vs. what role they want to play, and then take steps to make it happen through practicing various tools that open the lines of communication, set personal boundaries, and recognize and respect the boundaries of others in the family. It is a crash course on how to feel and act independent within their family.

School gives us an education, an occasional bad hair day, stress headaches, fights with friends, and countless triumphs and trials. But overall, there is nothing like being educated! This section shows girls how to identify and deal with stress, peer pressure, maintain a healthy life/school balance, get the most out of their education, how to ask those hard questions in school, and learn to march to the beat of their own drum.

Your friends are your help, your ear, and your shoulder to cry on. They are the ones you laugh with, scream with, and live life to the fullest with--choosing them wisely...has never been easy. This chapter helps girls to distinguish true friends and weed out those who are not; it questions everything you know about the ones closest to you and puts friendships to the test. By the end of this section, girls will know who is by their side and who is not. They’ll learn how to make decisions on their terms, identify the morals they want to live by, and how to avoid peer pressure.

This section provides girls with a roadmap to success. It gets them thinking about what they can do today to achieve the dreams of tomorrow. We all think about what we want to be when we grow up; a doctor, an astronaut, a lawyer, an engineer, or the first woman president, the list goes on and on. Why just dream it, when you can start living it? This chapter is about getting girls to start identifying those dreams now and how they can make them happen at any age.

In this section, girls learn how to identify and respond to potentially dangerous situations. We answer important questions such as: How do I stay out of danger? And If I’m ever in trouble how do I get out of a bad situation? In this chapter the girls learn visual safety, self-defense techniques, and experience “what if ” scenarios in a safe environment. This chapter gives girls the understanding of how to avoid danger and how to defend themselves.