Why is that? We learn all about the men who influenced how we live today.. but how come we got left out?
That’s soooo not fair!
What we teach our daughters matters! We must teach them that they are in control of their own destiny!
So if they come home from school and something in class doesn't sit well with them, then show them how to SPEAK UP! It's up to us to say "You can make a difference, and all you need to do is take control and make it happen."
Back to history...
When it comes to the lack of women’s history... I bet you’re thinking what can I do? Tell your girls to start by saying what they feel... teach them to SHOUT IT OUT. Or in this particular case...WRITE IT OUT!!!
A great way for girls to get their thoughts across on the matter?...Write a letter!
1. Have them write one to their teacher
2. To their principle
3. To the school board (this requires a bit of research)
4. AND...have them send this same letter to the publisher & author of their history book.
I give a great example of a form letter in the GirlSpire workbook that all girls can follow. The main message here is that we must empower our girls... and teach them that they CAN make a difference no matter what their age.
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